Store the main information about an application on manifest.webapp
on the root folder.
This option is important if, for example, you're using "activities" or other method that calls the application by it's origin url (something like app://
). In case that the application was installed with a UUID instead of the origin, it allows to be found.
This value will be given in window.location.origin
Will start the application on fullscreen mode. Option value is a string that can be "true"
or "false"
Temporal fullscreen can be request with element.requestFullscreen()
. See Fullscreen API.
See also fullscreen behaviour and hidding the status bar.
Some APIs require certain permissions, these must be declared in the manifest.json file
"permissions": {
"contacts": {
"description": "Required for autocompletion in the share screen",
"access": "readcreate"
"alarms": {
"description": "Required to schedule notifications"