with ADB access, but without debugging
We often find devices on the market that have the ability to run ADB, but not debug. This means that it is not possible for a developer to work on it easily. You can check the problem with this command:
adb shell getprop ro.secure
it should return 1 as output.
To solve this problem you should edit the "default.prop" file in the "boot" partition, in this way:
"ro.secure=0" allows you the permissions, "ro.debuggable=1" allows you to debug and "persist.service.adb.enable=1" is needed to enable adb. Everything seems easy, except that you must have root access first. Unforuntately without mount/remount/root it's difficult to do this. Learn more: Custom Firmware
In some devices "persist.service.adb.enable=1" already exists, but it becomes useless without "ro.secure=0" and "ro.debuggable=1".
There are two known ways to get ADB shell on some locked devices:
, a bug icon should appear in the taskbarthis code normally allows you to use debugging on other normal devices, but not for these. As you can see, almost all Alcatels sold in the United States have this same problem (with the exception of some other variants of Alcatel OT-4044);
adb shell start b2g
.Normally we have to connect the phone to any Devevelopment Tool with the commandadb forward tcp:6000 localfilesystem:/data/local/debugger-socket
but for all these devices debugger-socket
seems to be missing.
NOTE that all devices can be unlocked using flash tools (being many of them Qualcomm-based, it will be possible to use the EDL mode), once you have the correct firehose or firmware files. Learn more: Development
In this guide I will show you how to use some simple ADB commands in detail to perform searches like secret codes, run scripts locally or explore the device without root permissions, where possible.
Where read-only can be accessed we can explore the device, particularly in the system partition, using the "ls" command. To know the basic commands available on the system, we can type the command:
adb shell ls /system/bin
Often the pull command works to extract single files or even a complete folder (unless it contains some files with special permissions). The files will be downloaded in alphabetical order.
adb pull /system/b2g/webapps
Now you can start a thorough search to find all possible information, such as secret codes.
command is used to search for terms and combinations of symbols (which can be replaced with numbers and letters):for f in $(find . -type d); do
unzip $f/application.zip -d $f/app/;
in this way all the content of the application.zip files will be extracted into several new folders named "app".
grep -EIro 'debug' .
this will list all the files containing the word "debug", but this is just an example.
Busybox is a very important binary file within Linux systems, as it allows you to perform all possible actions with root privileges, that's why many manufacturers remove it from their devices. It is usually found in /system/bin, but if it is removed you can take advantage of it from the busybox official website (you can also rename it to made it easier to use, for example "busybox-armv7l" become "busybox") from a more accessible path for a common user:
adb push busybox /data/local/tmp
adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp
chmod +x busybox
The shell will respond by showing all commands available in busybox. You can repeat the same operation with any file or folder you wish to insert in "tmp". Note that to use any file from /data/local/tmp or in any other path, you must always add './" if the shell starts from there (we used cd /data/local/tmp
for convenience).
After placing "busybox" in /data/local/tmp and enabling local permissions, you can extract a copy of many system files to a .tar archive on the SD card with the command:
./busybox tar -cvf /sdcard/system.tar /system
now you can study many more things about the system.
In the past on the Nokia 8110 4G to run a root shell we needed to use scripts to insert in /data/local/tmp using a link from the internal browser app, and thanks to a security bug of the 8110 firmware versions prior to 14 (never released in the West perhaps for this reason) and solved with firmware updates 15 and 16 learn more about navigator.kaiosExtension.
Obviously nowadays these scripts are useless if you want to use them to get root privileges on a newer phone (KaiOS 2.5.1 and above), but it is always possible to modify them for different purposes, in order to learn and discover new ways of use.
Here's a Youtube video
Here are what the scripts were and how they worked:
adb push SCRIPT /data/local/tmp
adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp
chmod +x SCRIPT
Open the following url in phone's browser: http://localhost:8080
click the button on the phone's browser to confirm (for adbroot this will close "adb shell")
Perform the command:
For adbroot you have to re-open adb shell
For tnroot, that doesn't close the shell, just perform busybox telnet localhost